by Stuart Newman and Tina Stevens Research on the manufacture of egg-like and sperm-like cells for the purpose of producing laboratory-crafted human children is proceeding rapidly. The objective is to turn ordinary body cells of …
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Did West Africa’s Ebola Outbreak of 2014 Have a Lab Origin?
by Sam Husseini and Jonathan Latham, PhD Between 2014 and 2016, West Africa endured an Ebola epidemic that was easily the largest and deadliest in history. Over 29,000 people were infected and more than 11,000 died …
Continue readingFauci’s COVID Origin SWAT Team Versus the Mojiang Miner Passage Theory
by Jonathan Latham, PhD On February 1st, 2020, Anthony Fauci, head of the US National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease (NIAID), secretly convened a group of select international virologists. Their task was to decide …
Continue readingDelete, Deny, and Destroy: Chinese and Western Strategies To Erase COVID’s Origin Are Being Exposed By Independent Research
by Jonathan Latham, PhD and Allison Wilson, PhD The task of every COVID-19 origin theory is to explain a human outbreak in Wuhan, China, when the closest wild relatives of SARS-CoV-2 are located far away, …
Continue readingOpen for Military Business: Ebola Research at Canada’s Only BSL-4 Lab
On July 5 2019, Xiangguo Qiu and her husband Keding Cheng were removed by Canadian police from the Canadian National Microbiology Lab (NML) in Winnipeg, Manitoba. Their security clearances were also retracted, allegedly over “administrative …
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